Sunday, October 23, 2011

Amazing Art by Awesome Ahna


I did it again! I WAS CHEAP!! You heard me right kids, I made my sisters' boyfriends' birthday present by hand cause I'm a cheapskate talented artist like that. Don't worry, I also bought him a bunch of beer. Fancy beer. Travis likes beer. Anyhow, Lydia helped inspire me this time. I was looking through my "art ideas" picture folder on the old laptop, but wasn't being inspired. Lydia saw one of the pictures I had which was a girl riding a horse, and said it looked like a chess piece. AHA. I'll do a king and queen chess piece set of drawings! And since I'm horribly macabre, ILL SKELETONIZE THAT SHIT. It's what I do.The king one is on the left, and the queen is on the right. Some people couldn't tell which one was "more masculine." These people are "stupid." (Kidding guys! Not really!)

Above are the scanned/contrasted versions of the drawings, I sketched 'em in pencil then used microns for the tiny lines and sharpie for the big black areas as well as the red. All in all, it took about 2-3 hours from start to finish. I popped them in some white frames, and they were ready to go. They were well received.

Don't tell Travis this, but I did it all the night before his party lololololol.

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